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Live crashes

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Use AccelByte Developmental Toolkit (ADT) to handle crashes from the early stages of development through post-launch (live environment). ADT captures data by using an SDK within your Unreal projects. ADT Unreal SDK can be integrated with UE 4.23 or later and supports Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox series X.

ADT imposes a limit of up to 100 live crashes per day in a namespace. Your quota limit refreshes at 00:00 AM UTC; if your namespace reaches the limit in one day, you must wait for the next day to get your quota back.

This guide shows you how to manage live crashes in your game.

Create new version

After you configure the Crash Reporter Client to use ADT, you can start using ADT CLI to create a new version for your game before moving to the next steps.

Register a build as a release candidate

Complete these steps to register a build as a release candidate (RC).

  1. Open the ADT CLI and run this command to add the RC flag.

    .\BlackBoxCLI.exe build register --namespace <Namespace> --apikey <APIKey> --game-project <GameProjectPath> --platform-name <Platform> --platform-arch x64 --game-engine <UE4GameEnginePath> --release-candidate --base-url <BaseURL>
  2. Optional. You can register your build with your preferred name by running this command.

    .\BlackBoxCLI.exe build find-or-register --name <name> --platform-name <platform> --platform-arch x64

    The build shows in the ADT Web as RC.

Update crash reporter URL

Check the RC flag when you set the Crash URL command. For a live crash, update the crash URL.

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe crash-url set --game-engine <UE4GameEnginePath> --namespace <Namespace> --apikey <APIKey>

Prepare live build

Open the ADT CLI and run this command:

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe build prepare --namespace <Namespace> --apikey <APIKey> --game-project <GameProjectPath>

At this stage, the system disables the ADT SDK and it is ready to set as Live.

Set the build to live


Once you set the build to live, you can't revert it. Repeat these steps to set another build to live.

You can set your RC build to a live environment in several ways.

Set live build on the Version page

  1. Log in to ADT Web, then go to the Version page.

  2. Click on the version with your RC build in it.

    Live build on version page

  3. Click the ellipsis on the build with the RC flag, then click Set this build to Live.

    Set build to live

  4. Once the build is set to Live, the flag changes from RC to Live.

    Change from RC to Live

Set live build on Crash Reporter page

  1. Login to ADT Web.

  2. Go to the Versions page.

  3. Click on the version with your RC build in it.

    Click on version with RC build

  4. Click the build name to open your build page.

    Open build page

  5. At the top of the page, click Set to Live. The build flag changes to Live.

    Build flag changes to live

Monitor live crashes on the Crashes page

  1. Log in to ADT Web.

  2. Go to the Crashes page.

    Crashes page

  3. Filter the crashes based on type.

    Filter crashes by type

Monitor live crashes in a build

  1. Log in to the ADT Web.

  2. Go to the Version page.

  3. Click on the version containing your live build.

    Version containing your Live build

  4. Click on the build name to open its build page.

    Open the build page

  5. In the Crash Reporter section, you can see a list of a build's crashes. Click on the filter and select Live to show only the live crashes.

    Monitor live crashes