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Upload the test output

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This guide shows you how to use the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) CLI to upload metadata from your automated tests.

You can download the ADT CLI from the Download page on ADT Web.


First, check that you have configured the ADT CLI so that it can access the ADT Backend.

Set up the configuration

Upload the metadata to a specific game version

Create a game version to receive the metadata

You need to set up a game version into which you upload the metadata. To do this, create a new game version with a build using CMD or PowerShell and the ADT CLI. Follow these steps to create a new game.

  1. Execute this command in CMD or PowerShell:

    .\BlackBoxCLI.exe version add --name "" --apikey "" --namespace "" --game-project ""
    • --name is the version name
    • --namespace is the value of the namespace created in the ADT Web Portal
    • --apikey is the API Key of the game created in the ADT Web Portal
    • --game_project is the absolute path of the project. For example C:\MyGame\ProjectName
  2. If the version already exists, replace add --name with set --name as shown below:

    .\BlackBoxCLI.exe version set --name "" --apikey "" --namespace "" --game-project ""
  3. Create a build by executing the following command:

     BlackBoxCLI.exe build register --namespace "" --apikey "" --game-project "" --platform-arch x64 --platform-name "" --game-engine ""
    • --game-project is the directory of the your game project (the one that has <your game name>.uproject in it)
    • --platform-name can be windows, linux, xboxonegdk, xsx, ps4 and ps5
    • --game-engine is the root directory of your Unreal game engine.

Upload all metadata to a directory

Run the following command:

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe build upload-metadata --type "" --apikey "" --namespace "" --game-project "" --directory ""
  • --type the type of the metadata. We currently support performanceTest and automatedTest.
  • --namespace the namespace from the ADT Web Portal.
  • --apikey the game's API Key.
  • --game_project the absolute path of the project. For example C:\ProjectDir\ProjectName.
  • --directory the directory of all metadata you want to upload.

Upload a metadata file

.\BlackBoxCLI.exe build upload-metadata --type "" --apikey "" --namespace "" --game-project "" --file ""
  • --type the type of the metadata. We currently support performanceTest and automatedTest.
  • --namespace the namespace from the ADT Web Portal.
  • --apikey the game's API Key.
  • --game_project the absolute path of the project. For example C:\ProjectDir\ProjectName.
  • --file the absolute path of the metadata file you want to upload.

Upload an automated test

You can upload a directory or file with these commands:

  • --type "automatedTest"
  • --directory "<game_project>\Saved\AutomationTest\automatedTest"
  • --file "<game_project>\Saved\AutomationTest\automatedTest\PerformanceTest_Windows_Level1.json"

Automated tests always generate the files in the same place; it's easy to use directory upload.

Upload a performance test

You can upload both a directory or a file with these commands:

  • --type "performanceTest"
  • --directory "<game_project>\Saved\AutomationTest\PerformanceTest"
  • --file "<game_project>\Saved\AutomationTest\PerformanceTest\PerformanceTest_Windows_Level1.json"

Performance tests always generate the files in the same place, so it's easy to use the directory upload.