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Unreal Editor and shipping build crashes

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In this section we explain differences between crashes using AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) with Unreal Editor and shipping builds. Whether you are running your game in Unreal Editor or in shipping builds, ADT covers you.

This video explains how to add the ability to store crashes with crash videos, stack traces, and hardware info on releasable packaged builds.

Unreal Editor crashes

During the development lifecycle of your game, you may initially run your game through the Unreal Editor in one of these ways:

  • Playing in the Editor (PIE) which launches the game inside the Unreal Editor to test it.
  • Playing in standalone or VR mode, which launches one window for the Unreal Editor and an undocked window to run the game in.

We call the crashes that happen when you play through the Unreal Editor “Unreal Editor crashes”.

ADT can send the minidump and parse the call stack in CallstackContext.runtime-xml using an Unreal Engine mechanism.

To enable crash handling in Unreal Editor, you must get the Unreal Editor PDB file locally.

Shipping build crashes

Later in your game development lifecycle you may switch to running shipping builds. ADT gives you the same coverage for crashes that happen in shipping builds. If you are unsure what constitutes a shipping build or how to make one, check the Unreal Engine documentation.

Feature matrix

This table shows the differences in our coverage depending on the build type you're using to run your game. We cover shipping build and Unreal Editor crashes equally.

Here is the Crash Reporter feature matrix for each of the build types.

FeatureBuild Type
Shipping (Client)Shipping (Server)Unreal Editor
Send minidump and crashcontext after crashYESYESYES
Record crash videoYESNOYES
Sending telemetry every 10sYESNOYES
Dynamic InstrumentationYESNOYES
Capture keypress as a subtitle in crash videoYESNOYES
Always on sending basic telemetry for 10sYESNOYES
Send additional key pair JSON infoYESNOYES